typecast translation

typecasts are fun! provided they're written in a language you're able to understand. otherwise, it gets problematic: typecasts are some sort of digital, but still quite analog. this means you can't just copy the text from a typecast and paste it into some online translation service. you either have to transcribe the typecast or just can't understand the text, which is frustrating.

we found a solution: try optical character recognition, abbreviated OCR. this technology is quite new, and it is able to "scan" text in pictures and export them as text. this is pefect for typecasts!

how to OCR?
1. download a typecast to your harddisk
2. go to free-ocr.com or newocr.com
3. upload the typecast
4. copy the text
5. and paste it into some online translation service like Google Translator.

what if it doesn't work?
try another online OCR service. we suggest to use first free-ocr and then newocr, but it depends. in some texts, free-ocr ist really good, in other, it produces 30 mistakes. with the german äöü, newocr.com generally works better.
it's suggested to compare the text output with the picture and correct conspicious mistakes. there are maybe better OCR-services on the web, just a few clicks away. try it!

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