Samstag, 4. Februar 2012
blackout on a thursday in late january‚ a high voltage cable in a substation in Zurich suddenly broke doun. smoke filled the substation‚ and an emergency shutdoun started. as a result‚ 10'000 households uere uithout pouer for almost 3 hours, restaurants and shops‚ the trams and elevators had no electricity. nou imagine you uere writing the text, novel‚ Stroke 0? genius of your life uhen the pouer uent 0ut‚ a computer's screen uould just go black, your uork yould be gone if it wasn't saved. a typeuriter could continue uriting uihtout any problems. That was a Triumph tippa Schreibmaschinen blog Schreibmaschinenblog schreib maschienen blog schreibmaschineblog schreibmaschine blog schreibmaschiene blog schreibmaschienenblog schreibmaschienen blog
2 Kommentare:
A manual typewriter.
A Notebook Computer would do as well :D
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