Donnerstag, 9. Februar 2012

a tick on the wishlist

Attention - Spoiler: Correct answer in comments and labels!
The official denouement will be published tomorrow, as "The Collection" entry.
blind text

7 Kommentare:

Richard P hat gesagt…

Lettera 22?

notagain hat gesagt…

I can't remember what you already have. Is it a Corona 3 or similar?

Dwayne F. hat gesagt…

Shipping container? Perhaps the backside of a Lettera?

shordzi hat gesagt…


Adwoa hat gesagt…

It is an Olivetti Lettera 32! Congratulations, you finally have this icon in your collection! I do agree that the space bar is a bit of a pain... but how do you like it overall? :)

Rob Bowker hat gesagt…

Shipping container = corrugations = an Olivetti of some sort. From the weight - a Lettera. Keep us informed of its performance. On my wishlist too. They seem to be popular over here as they come up on eBay a lot, and then go for quite good money (£30+).

Fernando Antunes hat gesagt…

Congratulations on the Lettera! The space bar can be a bit difficult in the beginning but you'll get used to it. And the typing it's just amazing...

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