Donnerstag, 2. Februar 2012

time travelling

see all posts with label TCRV.
Sorry for the  ~12 hours late post. I accidentally scheduled it for tomorrow.
Typo: re-visite
time travelling more than 200 posts ago‚ maschinengeschrieben was published for the first time - in german. a number of interesting entries from the first weeks were only available in german‚ and in a quality which made OCR impossible. until today: we recently searched for those early entries in our stack of uypecasts - and found them. for the first time‚ all "The Collectbn" entries are now available in english, most of them with corrected translation. you may find them using‘me label "TCRV"‚ this stands for "The Collection re—visite visited". have fun browsing old entriesl Olivetti M21

4 Kommentare:

notagain hat gesagt…

Thanks for doing this. I can use these to learn some German vocabulary and grammar. Besides which they are interesting.

Bill M hat gesagt…

Thank you for the wonderful post. I really like it. It will give me an opportunity to renew my German.

Miguel Chávez hat gesagt…

Yay, time travelling is fun!

Fernando Antunes hat gesagt…

Thanks for the translation :) I'll give it a peep a read your reviews about such wonderful machines.

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