The protagonist of the 1970s series The Waltons, John-Boy, wants to become a writer, borrows an Oliver 9 and hides it in a barn. His sister sells it for scrap. The whole movie can be seen on YouTube, but there aren't many typewriter scenes.
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6 Kommentare:
This is creepy, Florian, I just watched this yesterday!
John boy is luckier than I am. At least he had an Oliver for one scene.
Good Night John Boy
I wonder who they borrowed it from. good find!
Sold it for crap or scrap? Depends what she got in return :-) I remember that eposode, good ol' Waltons - had to have an Oliver, too.
@Rob: Scrap, thanks.
@Ton: Transmission of thought?
I used to watch "The Waltons" when I was little, so this brings back all kinds of memories of growing up in the 70s. Love the Oliver!
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