Montag, 2. Juli 2012
Typing Underwater.
Typing underwater.This weekend is the hottest this year, at lead:up to now — the administrations actually publisheda heat warning, but actually, it's only a bit over32 degrees Celsius - it's quite a change from thelast snow earlier this month, though. And aftera ride on a S-Bahn train without cooling and ashort walk afterwards, I declared the heat to beunbearable, grabbed my Tippa and sat into the coolwaters of tiny pool, which is more towards a concretecylinder wrapped with rusting metal, collectingrain water from our roof —excellent to water plantsand to cool down in a heat like this.So I sit on a little step in the pool, having theTippa on a wooden half that otherwise would coverthe pool if it's not in use. Works well, and isa really effective method of preventing your brainfrom melting inua heat wave.Actually, the temperature is already going downquite rapidly, as it's already past 6 PM, thereare also grey clouds incoming and a light breezeis starting to make me shiver - I think I'll endmy underwater typing here.June 30, 2012, 18:10. 29.8 degrees Celsius ' Adler Tippa This awesome post was brought to you by the mighty Typosphere Hitzewelle 30. Juni 2012 Hitzetag
10 Kommentare:
Looks like a very cool way to write, in both senses of "cool"!
What an original idea!
I really wanted to see the Tippa underwater with waterproof paper! Just joking. This week end was one of the hottest in the States too. 38 deg. C in FL. That is very unusual. Humidity was low, also very unusual. Normally in FL about 33 or 34 deg. C is unbearable due to the normally high humididty, usually about 85% or more.
Happy typing in the water.
It was 100+ degrees fahrenheit today in Chicago, and then a freak thunderstorm blanketed everything in black and drenched us from 1:00 - 1:45 PM, then it was 100+ fahrenheit again as if nothing happened. Welcome to Chicago.
The 2nd pic is really nice, a Tippa in cool colors is exactly what you needed.
What a neat little set up. Seems like it was made for typing whilst cooling off. Nice Tippa, by the way. The key tops are reminiscent of late model Underwoods (before Olivetti) and the color is ever so pleasant.
It was already too hot when I was there! I'm glad you have a way to cool off.
Looks like fun! I don't know about Zurich, but it rained all day Sunday in Geneva to make up for Saturday's heatwave. Now the temperature is bearable again.
Wo ist der Sommer?
That looks cool and pleasant. I took Claire to the monthly antique market (in 100 year old non-air conditioned warehouses) in downtown Kansas City last night and the the art walk. The temperature at 6:00 PM was 106 degrees F (41.1 Celsius). At 10:00 PM it was still 99 degrees (37.2 Celsius). We are happily spending today in air conditioning.
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