Montag, 27. August 2012

Travelling with Typewriters.

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6 Kommentare:

michaeliany hat gesagt…

safe trip! do the people at the airport xray ever as you what they are?

Bill M hat gesagt…

I'd choose one of my smallest (like a Skyriter since I do not have a Hermes Baby or Kolibri) then put it in my back pack or if I have a bigger one in my suitcase with rollers.

Scott K hat gesagt…

Looks like you have a serious pile there. Whatcha got? Going by train?

Adwoa hat gesagt…

Let me guess - Groma Kolibri and Corona 3?

maschinengeschrieben hat gesagt…

Thanks for your comments!
Adwoa, correct, these are the Kolibri/Neckermann Brillant Junior and the Corona 3. Also, there are a postcard printer and a notebook somewhere deeper down. ;)
Scott, indeed, I traveled by train. I don't know if that load would be accepted at an airport - it was excessively heavy!
Bill, at the Swiss Type-In in Berne last year, I actually carried my new Hermes 3000 in my backpack for an entire afternoon - It worked, but the already damaged zipper of the backpack had to be replaced afterwards.
Michael, as I traveled by train, I didn't encounter any security checks - but Peter's Tippa was damaged when he flew back to the U.S. - probably at the security check.

Dwayne F. hat gesagt…

I have yet to try this. I obviously need a flat typewriter. So sad that the Groma machines have gotten so expensive in the US.

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