Mittwoch, 19. Dezember 2012

Es war einmal - Once upon a time.

This awesome post was brought to you by the mighty Typosphere

4 Kommentare:

Robert Messenger hat gesagt…

Lovely story, thank you for sharing this

Miguel Chávez hat gesagt…

I can relate to the kid in that story. Sometimes you don't need to get something *new* for a present, but something that you can really appreciate and use. And a typewriter is definitely one of such things.

... and it could be a Lettera 32, too... they also came in dark green back the '70s.

Dwayne F. hat gesagt…

That is a great story! My 15-year-old is getting a Google Nexus 7 for Christmas. I doubt it will be a creative tool for her, but it might help with research for all of her science classes so she has time for other things.

On the other hand, I showed her an SCM Musicwriter that she will get to play with during winter break and she just about freaked out. Mechanical and analog machines are a different class of tool than their digital counterparts.

shordzi hat gesagt…


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