Dienstag, 12. März 2013

spring quiz: Second Quiz.

Yesterday was a Torpedo 18. What's this?

5 Kommentare:

Richard P hat gesagt…

Mmmmmm .... I don't know, maybe an Optima?

Adwoa hat gesagt…

Oh, this is hard! An older Optima?

Bill M hat gesagt…

I missed the first one, although I could just go back and enter what everyone else did.

I'd rather just do this one. I too think this is an older Optima.

Scott K hat gesagt…

I'm going to go something different, but probably wrong.... And Erika.

Robert Messenger hat gesagt…

I really don't have a clue, but having got the Torpedo 18 I'll have a stab at this one. The lever looks too small for an Optima to me, but the perspective I get is of a full-bodied portable like an Optima. The rounded cover does suggest Optima or Erika, but the turned down lip might eliminate Erika or Calanda. Never having seen a Calanda, however, I am opting for a Calanda.

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