Montag, 8. April 2013

What You Say.

6 Kommentare:

Ton S. hat gesagt…

Florian, you're wise to know when to move on from a project, and when to begin a new one.

Cheers in advance to June... I'll be waiting!

Scott K hat gesagt…

Your writing will be very missed, good sir! Hope to still see you around and typing. Drop by my blog every so often! I'll be looking forward to hearing from you.

PS. I'm keeping you in my story, when I get time to write it.

Dwayne F. hat gesagt…

Florian: Thanks for all of the wonderful observations, photos and laughs. Your discipline has been an inspiration. I'm glad you have made the best choice for you at this point in time.

We wish you good fortune for whatever lies ahead.

Jasper Lindell hat gesagt…

You're regular posts are always fantastic, and they're always a lively addition to what's going on in the Typosphere.

I'll sorely miss them.

Not meaning to stay down in the doldrums, here's to your next exciting venture!

notagain hat gesagt…

Can't wait to see what you do next! Keep in touch with us!

gee hat gesagt…

Just started reading your blog... its wonderful.
Loved the "Last Video".

Thank you for all the time and effort you put in.

Gerald (gee)

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