Die heutige letzte Ausgabe des summer quiz its wieder nicht ganz einfach. Weisst du schon, welche Schreibmaschine diesen geschwungenen Hebel hat? Schreib' deinen Kommentar.
Did you like this series? Should I repeat it, maybe in autumn? Or would you like to copy it to your own blog? Do what you like, and if you start your own detail quiz, I'd like to be mentioned with a link, but that is completely voluntarily.
Hat dir diese Serie gefallen? Sollte ich sie wiederholen, vielleicht im Herbst? Oder möchtest du sie sogar zu deinem eigenen Blog mitnehmen? Mach' was dir am besten passt, und falls du ein eigenes detail quiz durchführst, würde ich mich über einen Link zu mir freuen, aber das ist dir überlassen.
6 Kommentare:
This is the Olympia SM-3! I hope I'm right today, I haven't been lucky the past couple of times.
I loved the quiz series, what a fantastic idea! I'm definitely considering replicating it on Retro Tech Geneva, and I'll be sure to link to your blog when I do :-)
Ich vermute es ist die Olympia SM3.
Your quiz series is a great idea especially for advanced collectors like yourself. I think you should continue.
If the idea of a quiz was borrowed from you directly, I think you should be referenced (like I did when I quoted something from one of your posts). However, the teaser guessing game has been around in the typosphere, it has been done before although not necessarily a quiz series.
By the way, check my thursday post, it has by sheer coincidence (it has been on my draft for exactly four weeks now, I prepared it while I was in Berkeley), a teaser featuring a lever. You might have seen it already. I would gladly take it out if that might be misinterpreted as an infringement on your quiz. Please let me know. I'd like to be supportive of my friends in the typosphere.
Here is a teaser/quiz I posted last May:
I've also seen it in other blogs.
zu schwer für diese Hitze!
Adwoa, you were not bad. You got 4 out of 6 right, if I remeber correctly. And thanks for the laud. :)
Beat, die Olympia SM3 ist richtig.
lo-tech, I'm proud that you appreciated this series and I regret that this series is finished now, too, every entry got very much comments, what I liked. :) I did not know that the idea already was in the typosphere, and I don't want to claim it as mine, any link is completely volountarily, even if I like some traffic and commenting here. :)
shordzi, ich weiss nicht wie das wetter bei euch oben ist, hier in den Bündner Bergen ist es angenehm kühl.
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