first paragraph of this post, scanned with the mouse scanner.
view while scanning.

Review: LG LSM-100 Scanner Mouse The idea of LG's mouse scanner sounds intriguing: A normal laser mouse with integrated scanner functiaz Just swipe over your document for a good scan. we've tested this little device that might be useful for typospherians (smaller size = more storage space for typewriters), here's our review: HANDLING The handling of the LSM—lOO is good, although the mouse is very long and big, it fits well into my hand I especially like the "noisless" scrolling whell, no clickering while scrolling. Everything works well. There is also a back-button on the left, just there where my thumb lies, that works with web browsers. As a mouse, I'd definitiy recommend this thing. This awesome post was brought to you by the mighty Typosphere SCANNING While the mouse function works with plug&play, the scanning abilities need to be installed from an included CD. The software is available for Windows and, since a few weeks, for Mac 05. The installation process took very long on my computer, I don't know if that's a general issue. If the software is installed correctly, the software runs as a background tray, waiting for a click on the scan-button on the left of the back-button. if the scanning process is started via this button, blue lights start flashing on the mouse, and a gullscreen window opens. The current position of the 2x5.5 cm big scan area is shown, as well as the already-scanned surface. If the mouse is ratated, two laser sensors help the software navigating. lf one of the two sensors isn't on the ground, for example while scanning a book cowr, the software gets irritated, often misaligning the scannings and ruining the image. Also, if the mouse is lifted off the ground while scanning, the window becomes grey and the mouse should be moved back to where it lost contact, but the software is terrible at handling these cases. Whille scanning, the images are saved to RAM. A bar shows the remaining memory, if that's full, the scanning is stopped. At high resolution (220 dpi), it's enough for scanning an A5 page, at low resolution (100 dpi), the promised A3 format works, but quality goes down. Also, the general scanning can ing quality can't be compared to a fkt- bed scanner. The images look blurry, blue, they're not sharp. 1 wouldn't want to publish these as type- casts: When the scanning is finished, a new window opens, where the image can be cropped and aligned. There ana also possibilities of adjusting brightness, comrast and saturation. If that's finshed, the fullscreen mode is gone, a small window with sharing (mail or social networks) options as well as saving and printmg opens. OCR is started automatically, after a 30 or 3) seconds, an A5 typecast is OCPed, but the accuracy isn't very high. cool: The OCR result can be drag- n- dropped into everything that accepts text. Scanning speed comparison Scanning an A5 page at 200 dpi. From first click of a button to saving of a cropped image. Flatbed scanner*: 25 seconds Mouse Scanner*: 44 seconds 1' L ' X“ ‘i. 7 //I’ *: Flatbed Scanner is Canon LiDe 110 Mouse Scanner is LG LSM-100 FACIT The LSM-lO0 is a good idea, but not we1l—executed. Hand scanners were already popular in the ninties, now, they packed the thing into a mouse. Intelligent, but the software just isn't as good as it needed to be. Also, the bad quality of the images makes the LSM-100 a nice mouse with the drawback of piano lacquer catching all fingerprints, but a terrible scanner. Olivetti MPl Olivetti ICO Olivetti MP1 LSM-100 Mouse Scanner scanner maus scanner mouse test testbericht review testberiucht LG mouse scanner mac support test review typecast OCR sharing is caring test review LG LSM-100 LG LSM-200 rumors rumours new model LG Mouse Scanner 2.0 LG new mouse scanner hands-on handson hand-s-on test first test review
5 Kommentare:
Thanks for the review, now you made me think of getting one.
Thanks for the detailed review. Perhaps LG will sell enough of these they will improve and make it a better hand scanner. For the near future I think I will stay with my HP and Canon scanners.
that's too often the case, the good ideas are poorly executed. I don't know how many different "waterproof" mp3 players my wife went through before we gave up.
Dejavu. My very first scanner, bought back in 1994 or so, was a handheld model made by Logitech. It scanned only in black and with (color depth: 1 bit) and had drivers for MS DOS 6.x and Windows 3.11 (oh, modernity...)
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