Mittwoch, 29. Februar 2012

L'Enigme de Marcello Nizzoli

L'Enigme de Marcello Nizzoli
Typewriter and Silk Ribbon. 2012.
Inspired by Christo & Jeanne Claude and Man Ray.
blind text

Dienstag, 28. Februar 2012

Video: Typewriter Man

Typewriter Man ft. Tom Furrier of Cambridge Typewriter.
blind text

Montag, 27. Februar 2012

Abgetippt: Social Media Explained

Abgetippt: Social Media Explained . Twitter I'm using a typewriter Faoebook I like typewriters Founquare This is where I use my typewriter Instagram A blurry Wintage'photo of my typewriter YouTube A shakyvideo of me using my typewriter Linkedln My skills include typewriting Pinterest Here I post typewriter photos I found on etsy LastFM Now listening to "The Typewriter" Google+ No one really knows about that, but it might have to do with typewriters?

Samstag, 25. Februar 2012

winter series: Last Quiz

which typewriter has such a well-secured ribbon? leave your answer as a comment, it's the last possibility to do so for the next months.

Freitag, 24. Februar 2012

winter series: Fifth Quiz

that's a crammed carriage! any idea what typewriter this is? leave your comment.

Donnerstag, 23. Februar 2012

winter series: Fourth Quiz

racing stripes! which typewriter looks fast? leave your answer as a comment.
blind text

Mittwoch, 22. Februar 2012

winter series: Third Quiz

quite a number of knobs. what typewriter might this be? leave your comments.

Dienstag, 21. Februar 2012

winter series: Second Quiz

an interesting approach on ribbon colour selection. but which typewriter uses it? leave your comment.

Montag, 20. Februar 2012

winter series: First Quiz

what typewiter is this? leave your answer as a comment.
blind text

Sonntag, 19. Februar 2012

Hermes 3000 Prices - Then and Today

Tomorrow's post will appear in 41 hours, on Monday, 6 PM CET/12 AM CST. 
Come on the dot, there's a quiz to be solved!
Hermes 3000 Prices - Then and Today On the sviss auction site ricardo, I recently spotted a Hermes 3000, first design. Nothing unusual, on normal days‚ there are a hand full of them for sale. But this one had two specialities: An intriguing vinyl case‚ mint and white‚ and the original receipt from Nov. 1964. Bosshart & Co. in Langnau BE sold the Hermes 3000 N0. 3250075 with synthetics case for 560 CHF. I inserted‘the number into an inflation- ca1culator‚ and here is the resultz Today, this would yost you 2040 Fr Considering the great typewriter the Hermes 3000 is‚ that seems appropriate. Especially since a top—ß(fißßf equipped notebbok costs about the same sum today. Hermes 3000

Samstag, 18. Februar 2012

Typewriters in the Movies: Silent Souls

Still from Silent Souls. Used with permission by Shadow Distribution.

See also: Typing on a frozen lake.Typewriters in the Movies: Silent Souls When I was filming the Tnrpedo slithering over the frozen Huttnersee, a woman approached me and asked what I was doing with the typewriter. I told her about the blog, and she said that she had seen a film recently, Silent Souls, and that there was a scene with a typewriter being thrown into a frozen river. Back home, I searched for the film, and I found a still of the typewriter immolation on the website of the movie. It is a russian-made 8M, headless and with cyrillic keyboard, as it turned out, which is sinking between smashed ice. I don't know if the filmmakers rescued the typewriter after shooting the scene, but I fear they didn't do so. At least we got another typewriter appearance in a movie, a quite spectacular one. Optima Elite Schreibmaschinen in the Movies: Silent éouls
Machines à écrire dans les Films: Silent éouls Quand je filmais les Tnrpedo glissant sur la congelés Huttnersee, une femme s'est approché de moi et a demandé ce que je faisais avec la machine à écrire. Je lui ai parlé le blog, et elle a dit qu'elle avait vu un film récemment, Silent Souls, et qu'il y avait une scène avec une machine à écrire d'être jeté dans une rivière gelée. Retour à l'accueil, j'ai cherché pour le film, et j'ai trouvé un encore de l'immolation de machine à écrire sur le site de le film. Il s'agit d'une fabrication russe 8M, sans tête et avec cyrillique clavier, comme il s'est avéré, qui s'enfonce entre la glace brisée. Je ne sais pas si les cinéastes sauvé la machine à écrire après le tournage de la scène, mais je crains qu'ils ne le font pas. Au moins nous avons une autre apparition dans un machine à écrire film, un assez spectaculaire. OpAls ich die Dreharbeiten für den Tnrpedo slithering über die gefrorene Hüttnersee, eine Frau kam auf mich zu und fragte, was ich mit der Schreibmaschine zu tun. Ich erzählte ihr von Der Blog, und sie sagte, sie habe einen Film gesehen vor kurzem Silent Souls, und dass es eine Szene mit eine Schreibmaschine in einen zugefrorenen Fluss geworfen. Wieder zu Hause, suchte ich nach dem Film, und ich fand eine noch der Schreibmaschine Opferung auf der Website der der Film. Es ist ein russischer Produktion 8M, ohne Kopf und mit kyrillische Tastatur, wie sich herausstellte, ist die sinkende zwischen Eis zerschlagen. Ich weiß nicht, ob die Filmemacher rettete die Schreibmaschine nach der Aufnahme die Szene, aber ich fürchte, sie tat es nicht. Wenigstens haben wir noch eine andere Schreibmaschine Auftritt in einem Film, ein ziemlich spektakulär ein.tima Elite Optima Elite Machines à écrire dans les Films: Silent Souls Quand je filmais les Tnrpedo glissant sur la congelés Huttnersee, une femme s'est approché de moi et a demandé ce que je faisais avec la machine à écrire. Je lui ai parlé le blog, et elle a dit qu'elle avait vu un film récemment, Silent Souls, et qu'il y avait une scène avec une machine à écrire d'être jeté dans une rivière gelée. Retour à l'accueil, j'ai cherché pour le film, et j'ai trouvé un encore de l'immolation de machine à écrire sur le site de le film. Il s'agit d'une fabrication russe 8M, sans tête et avec cyrillique clavier, comme il s'est avéré, qui s'enfonce entre la glace brisée. Je ne sais pas si les cinéastes sauvé la machine à écrire après le tournage de la scène, mais je crains qu'ils ne le font pas. Au moins nous avons une autre apparition dans un machine à écrire film, un assez spectaculaire. Optima Elite

Freitag, 17. Februar 2012

The Collection: Triumph Perfekt

I forgot to mention the weight of this behemoth: 8.3 kg in the case, 6 without.

The Collection: Triumph Ierfekt In the series "The Collection". published every Vriday, we present the newest machines in the hoard of maschinengeaohrieben. In this issue, it’: the 1961 Triumph Ferfekt. Solid office '.'rcr1'cr In 1909. Triumph. a comepny manufacturing bikes, bought an insolvent typewriter factory. Until the 19508, TI'iLl.'3?h 511‘ T1; ‘l'.yf,‘e\'.')‘i1.er3, bicycleg and motorbikes. in 1957. Graig bought Triumph ‘and Adler, both independent companies. In 1958. they were unified to Triump-Adler. All business areas except the typewriter dcpartement were abrogated. In this period, this bulbous Triunnh Ferfekt was made. It features a round design which somehow resembles of the legendary Voss. which is a bit older. I don't think they're re- lated, though. This might have bust been a popular design these days.- The Triumph Perfekt is 13 cm high, but despite that size, the Triumpi-Adler) engineers didn't manage to include segment shift in the feature list, In my opinion. that's a major disadvan- tage, especially since every shifting inter- rupts the writing flow. because the Triumph types very light overall, also the carriage return feels like pushing it over an air cushion. but the sflting is rather hard and heavy. As mentioned hefore. the touch of this machine is light. snappy and I could imagine writing longer text with this machine. but the drawback is the unconvenient sflfting. To be recommended with ceflmin limitations. Triumph Perfekt 1203326 - 1951

Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2012

An enterprising dream

editor's note: there are currently 281 posts on maschinengeschrieben,
58 of them unpublished drafts.

Mittwoch, 15. Februar 2012

la famiglia.

clockwise from left bottom: 
Olivetti ICO MP1, 1938, 
Olivetti Studio 42, 1940s,
Olivetti Studio 44, 1953,
Olivetti Lettera 32, 1967.
blind text

Dienstag, 14. Februar 2012

Video: Happy Valentine

Happy Valentine's Day! (Why isn't there also an ICO's Day, a Lettera's Day, a SM-3's Day?)
Actually, it's also Christopher Sholes' Birthday today.
blind text

Montag, 13. Februar 2012

typing on a frozen lake

no typewriters were harmed in the making of this video.

satellite photo taken in february 2010, when the lake wasn't frozen.
blind text, typing on the rocks, hütten, hüttensee, hüttnersee, hüttnerweiher, zürichsee, züricher see, amerikaweiher, sternenweiher, aabachtobel, itlimoosweiher, itlimoos, sob, hütten, unterwerk, hochspannung

Sonntag, 12. Februar 2012

Mini-Type-In in Basel

See the collection. 
Mini-Type-In Basel February ll, 2012 I recently won an auction for an Underwood Four-Bank. Since it was located near Basel, I asked if we should arrange a Type-In when I was going to pick up the typewriter anyway. Luckily, he had time on this weekend, so I first got my typewriter in and then met at the railway station in Basel. We, first visited swo thrift stores and found two Hermes 6 and two other standards with totally jammed keys, and a couple of New Old Stock ribbons which bought. The teller had a little chat with us and told us she had already thou ht of gettingé a typewriter, but that she was unsure 1% ribbons were still available. We reaussured here that there were still ribbons made. Then, we went t the tre s r room - 1t h museum. In the“?ollowingahgu§s, a con§t§ntyP§H$él§§f{§g could be heard in the full of typewriters. A tiny 3-Bank and a giant Underwood elecrtic, a Halberg and a Calanda, a Gromina and an Erika, a brother, a Remington, antaresses, Hermesses, a Voss, an Urania,‘ many difterent typewriters got some use. A great cross section through the collection. Finally, we wrote a ~ post card to the mssing person in the swiss typosphere. Adwoa, and then I got.back to the train station. It was a great Mini-Type-In in ITAM. Thanks to for hosting this event. Underwood A-Bank Mini-Type-In Basel ll Februar 2012 Ich habe kürzlich eine Auktion für einen Underwood Vier-Bank. Da es in der Nähe von Basel gelegen war, fragte ich, ob wir ein Type-In sollte arrangieren, als ich im Begriff war, holen die Schreibmaschine sowieso. Glücklicherweise hatte er Zeit, an diesem Wochenende, so dass ich zum ersten Mal in meiner Schreibmaschine und dann am Bahnhof in Basel trafen. Wir, die zum ersten Mal besuchte SWO Secondhand-Läden und fand zwei Hermes 6 und zwei andere Standards mit total verklemmt Schlüssel und ein paar New Old Stock, die Bänder gekauft. Der Erzähler hatte ein kleines Schwätzchen mit uns und erzählte uns, sie hatte schon du ht von gettingé eine Schreibmaschine, aber dass sie nicht sicher war, 1% Bänder waren noch verfügbar. Wir reaussured hier, dass es noch Bänder gemacht. Dann gingen wir die Tre t s r Zimmer - 1t h Museum. Im "? Ollowingahgu § s, a con § t § § ntyP H $ El § § § f {g konnte in der voll von Schreibmaschinen zu hören. Ein winziger 3-Bank und einer riesigen elecrtic Underwood, ein Halberg und ein Calanda, eines Gromina und eine Erika, ein Bruder, ein Remington, antaresses, Hermesses, ein Voss, ein Urania, 'viele difterent Schreibmaschinen habe einige Gebrauch. Ein großer Querschnitt durch die Sammlung. Schließlich schrieben wir einen ~ Postkarte an die mssing Person in der Schweizer typosphere. Adwoa, und dann bin ich zum Bahnhof got.back. Es war eine tolle Mini-Type-In in ITAM. Dank für die Ausrichtung dieser Veranstaltung. Underwood A-Bank Mini-Type-A Bâle ll Février 2012, j'ai récemment remporté une enchère pour un Underwood Quatre-Bank. Comme il était situé près de Bâle, j'ai demandé si nous devrions organiser une Type-A quand j'allais chercher la machine à écrire de toute façon. Heureusement, il a eu le temps ce week-end, donc je suis arrivé ma machine à écrire à l'intérieur et a ensuite rencontré à la gare de Bâle. Nous, d'abord visité les magasins d'aubaines swo et trouvé deux Hermes 6 et deux autres normes avec des touches totalement bloquées, et un couple de nouveaux rubans images anciennes qui ont acheté. Le caissier a eu un brin de causette avec nous et nous a dit qu'elle avait déjà ht-tu de gettingé une machine à écrire, mais qu'elle n'était pas certaine rubans de 1% étaient encore disponibles. Nous reaussured ici qu'il y avait encore des rubans faits. Puis, nous sommes allés t tre s r la chambre - 1t h musée. Dans le "? Ollowingahgu § s, un con § § t § H El ntyP $ § § § f {g pourrait être entendu dans le plein de machines à écrire. Un petit 3-Banque et un géant Underwood elecrtic, un Halberg et une Calanda, un Gromina et un de l'Erika, un frère, un Remington, antaresses, Hermesses, un Voss, un Urania, «de nombreuses machines à écrire difterent eu une certaine utilité. Une coupe transversale à travers la grande collection. Enfin, nous avons écrit une carte postale ~ à la personne mssing dans le typosphere suisse. Adwoa, et puis je got.back de la gare. Il était un grand mini-Type-In dans l'ITAM. Merci à pour accueillir cet événement. Underwood A-Banque Mini-Type-A Basilea ll febbraio 2012, di recente ho vinto un'asta per un Underwood Four-Bank. Dal momento che si trovava nei pressi di Basilea, ho chiesto se dobbiamo organizzare un type-in ​​quando stavo andando a prendere la macchina da scrivere comunque. Per fortuna, ha avuto il tempo in questo fine settimana, così ho preso la mia macchina da scrivere e poi incontrato alla stazione ferroviaria di Basilea. Noi, prima visitato depositi di risparmio SWO e ha trovato due Hermes 6 e due altri standard con tasti completamente bloccato, e un paio di nuovi nastri di archivio vecchi che hanno acquistato. Il cassiere ha avuto una chiacchierata con noi e ci ha detto che aveva già ht tu gettingé di una macchina da scrivere, ma che non era sicuro nastri 1% erano ancora disponibili. Noi reaussured qui che vi erano ancora nastri fatti. Poi, siamo andati t Tre s sala r - 1t h museo. Nel "? Ollowingahgu § s, uno con t § § § ntyP H $ él § § § f {g potrebbe essere sentito nel pieno di macchine da scrivere. Un piccolo 3-Bank e un gigante Underwood Elettrici, uno Halberg e Calanda, un Gromina e un Erika, un fratello, un Remington, antaresses, Hermesses, un Voss, un Urania, 'macchine da scrivere molti difterent avuto qualche uso. Una grande sezione trasversale attraverso la raccolta. Infine, abbiamo scritto una cartolina alla persona ~ mssing nel typosphere svizzero. Adwoa, e poi ho got.back alla stazione ferroviaria. E 'stato un grande Mini-Type-In in ITAM. Grazie a per ospitare questo evento. Underwood A-Bank Mini-Type-In Basel februari ll, 2012 Ik heb onlangs won een veiling voor een Underwood Vier-Bank. Sinds haar in de buurt van Basel, heb ik gevraagd of we een type-in te regelen als ik zou gaan halen de schrijfmachine toch. Gelukkig had hij tijd over dit weekend, dus ik voor het eerst mijn schrijfmachine in en daarna voldaan op het station in Basel. Wij, het eerst bezocht SWO tweedehands winkels en vond twee Hermes 6 en twee andere normen met totaal vastgelopen sleutels, en een paar New Old Stock linten die gekocht. De teller had een praatje met ons en vertelde ons dat ze had al gij ht van gettingé een typemachine, maar dat was ze zeker 1% linten waren nog beschikbaar. We reaussured hier dat er nog steeds gemaakt linten. Daarna gingen we t de tre s r kamer - 1T h museum. In de "? Ollowingahgu § s, een con § t § § ntyP H $ el § § § f {g te horen in het volle van schrijfmachines. Veel difterent Een klein 3-Bank en een gigantische Underwood elecrtic, een Halberg en een Calanda, een Gromina en een Erika, een broer, een Remington, antaresses, Hermesses, een Voss, een Urania, 'schrijfmachines heb wat gebruik. Een grote dwarsdoorsnede door de collectie. Tot slot, schreven we een ~ briefkaart op de mssing persoon in de Zwitserse typosphere. Adwoa, en toen heb ik got.back naar het station. Het was een geweldige Mini-Type-In in ITAM. Met dank aan voor het hosten van dit evenement. Underwood A-Bank

Samstag, 11. Februar 2012


monospace. Monospace fonts are a nice thing - for typewriters. They don't mguire individual carriage advancing for every single letter‚ unlike a proportianl font‚ which maxes the i less wide than tne w. But should we use mogospace fonts like Courier if we have other options, for example on a screen or in a printout? I don't thinx so, because proportional fonts like Arial/Helvetica or even better‚ because with serifs, Times New Roman are much better legible and gived much less eyestrain when used for typesetting of a longer text. I'm not a big fan of the "original" typewriter fonts for the Computer eithee. With smudges and other defects looking old, they're nice for a logo‚ maybe a title or a typewriter related‚ short description. But personally I preier clean‚ modern fonts Ior reading longer texts. Olympia SM-5

Freitag, 10. Februar 2012

The Collection: Olivetti Lettera 32

And here's the solution to yesterday's little quiz:

the collection: olivetti lettera 32 In the series "The Ool1ection"‚ published every Friday‚ we present the typewriters used by A writing design icon. In 1949, Marcello Nizzoli designed the Olivetti Lettera 22. It was agreat success‚ Leonard Cohen and Pier Pasolini used it‚ the former one even in the bathtub. After 14 years of prosperity‚ the Lettera 22 was replaced by the Lettera 32, also designed by Nizzoli and without many big differences. That lasted for many years to come‚ most of the ifllowing Olivetti portables were not much more than the Lettera 32cin a varied outer design. Examples would be the Dora, its twins (Underwood 919) or the (in)famous Valentine. But‚ compared to the Valentine, the Lettera feels mudl better. And it's a famous design product‚ too. The only 4.2 kg light machine is equipped with light basket shift and a tabulator - that makes it the smallest and lightest full—featured machine I know. Only an individual touch regulator isn't present. The touch on the Olivetti Lettera is generally light‚ the typing feel is convenient. With a new ribbon‚ this l967—model leaves a consistant typeface. A drawback for bigger-handed typists are the tiny keys‚ the keytops measure 1,4 cm and can be rather hard to hit‚ the spacebar is even worse‚ at the thickest place‚ it's only 0.7 cm wide. Despite this little discomfort, I can absolutely recommend this little machine. Olivetti lettera Olivetti Lettera 32 — 2902601 - 1967 Die Sammlung: Olivetti Lettera 32 In der Reihe "Die Ool1ection", veröffentlicht jedes Freitag, präsentieren wir die Schreibmaschinen von Eine Schrift, Design-Ikone. Im Jahr 1949 entwarf Marcello Nizzoli die Olivetti Lettera 22. Es war eine tolle Erfolg, Leonard Cohen und Pier Pasolini benutzt es, die ehemalige man sogar in die Badewanne. Nach 14 Jahren des Wohlstands, die Lettera 22 wurde von der Lettera 32, auch ausgebildet Fassung Nizzoli und ohne viele große Unterschiede. Das dauerte für viele Jahre zu kommen, die meisten der ifllowing Olivetti Portables waren nicht viel mehr als die Lettera 32cin ein abwechslungsreiches äußeren Design. Beispiele hierfür wären die Dora sein, ihre Zwillinge (Underwood 919) oder der (un) bekannten Valentine. Aber im Vergleich zum Valentinstag, fühlt sich der Lettera mudl besser. Und es ist eine berühmte Design-Produkt auch. Die nur 4,2 kg leichte Gerät ist mit Licht ausgestattet Korb Verschiebung und ein Tabulator - das macht es die kleinste und leichteste voll funktionsfähige Maschine, die ich kenne. Nur eine individuelle Note Regler nicht vorhanden ist. Der Druck auf das Olivetti Lettera ist in der Regel leicht, Das Tippgefühl ist bequem. Mit einer neuen Band, dies l967-Modell hinterlässt einen konsistenten Schrift. Ein Nachteil bei größeren Händen Schreibkräfte sind die winzigen Tasten können die Decklagen Maßnahme 1,4 cm und eher schwer zu treffen, ist die Leertaste, noch schlimmer, bei der dicksten Stelle, es ist nur 0,7 cm breit. Trotz dieser wenig Unbehagen, das kann ich absolut empfehlen dieses kleine Maschine. Olivetti Lettera
Olivetti Lettera 32 - 2902601 bis 1967 la collezione: Olivetti Lettera 32 Nella serie "The Ool1ection", pubblicato ogni Venerdì, vi presentiamo le macchine da scrivere utilizzate da Una scrittura icona del design. Nel 1949, Marcello Nizzoli ha progettato la Olivetti Lettera 22. E 'stato agreat successo, Leonard Cohen e Pier Pasolini usato, quello precedente, anche in vasca da bagno. Dopo 14 anni di prosperità, la Lettera 22 è stata sostituita dalla Lettera 32, anch'esso progettato da Nizzoli e senza molte grandi differenze. Che durò per molti anni a venire, la maggior parte delle ifllowing Olivetti portatili non erano molto di più del 32cin Lettera un disegno vario esterno. Esempi sarebbe la Dora, i suoi gemelli Underwood (919) o la (in) Valentine famosi. Ma, rispetto al San Valentino, la Lettera si sente mudl migliore. Ed è un prodotto di design famoso, troppo. L'unica macchina di luce di 4,2 kg è provvisto di luce basket turno e un tabulatore - che lo rende il più piccolo e leggero ricco di funzionalità della macchina lo so. Solo un regolatore di tocco individuale non è presente. Il tocco sulla Olivetti Lettera è in genere leggero, la sensazione di digitazione è comoda. Con un nuovo nastro, l967 questo modello lascia un carattere tipografico consistente. Un inconveniente per il più grande-handed dattilografi sono la piccola chiavi, i 1,4 cm e copritasti in misura può essere piuttosto difficile da colpire, la barra spaziatrice è ancora peggio, a più spesso posto, è solo 0,7 cm di larghezza. Nonostante questo piccolo disagio, sono assolutamente possibile consiglia questa piccola macchina. Olivetti Lettera Olivetti Lettera 32 - 2902601-1967 la collection: Olivetti Lettera 32 Dans la série "Le Ool1ection", publié tous les Vendredi, nous présentons les machines à écrire utilisées par Une icône du design par écrit. En 1949, Marcello Nizzoli a conçu le Olivetti Lettera 22. Il était agreat succès, Leonard Cohen et Pier Pasolini utilisé, l'ancien, même dans le baignoire. Après 14 années de prospérité, la Lettera 22 a été remplacé par la Lettera 32, également conçu par Nizzoli et sans beaucoup de grandes différences. Cela a duré pendant de nombreuses années à venir, la plupart des ifllowing Olivetti portables ne sont pas beaucoup plus que la 32cin Lettera une conception variée extérieure. Les exemples pourraient être la Dora, ses jumeaux (Underwood 919) ou la Saint-Valentin (tristement) célèbre. Mais, par rapport à la Saint-Valentin, la Lettera sent mudl mieux. Et c'est un produit de design célèbre, aussi. La machine à seulement 4,2 kg est équipée de lumière avec la lumière changement panier et une tabulatrice - qui en fait le plus petit et léger et riche en fonctionnalités machine à je sais. Seul un régulateur de touche individuelle n'est pas présent. La touche sur le Lettera Olivetti est généralement léger, la sensation de frappe est commode. Avec un nouveau ruban, cette l967-modèle laisse une police de caractères consistante. Un inconvénient pour les plus droitiers dactylographes sont le minuscule touches, les recouvertes d'1,4 cm et mesure peut être assez difficile à atteindre, la barre d'espace est encore pire, à la plus épaisse place, c'est seulement 0,7 cm de large. Malgré cette gêne peu, je ne peux absolument recommandons cette petite machine. Olivetti Lettera Olivetti Lettera 32 - 2902601 à 1967

Donnerstag, 9. Februar 2012

a tick on the wishlist

Attention - Spoiler: Correct answer in comments and labels!
The official denouement will be published tomorrow, as "The Collection" entry.
blind text

Mittwoch, 8. Februar 2012

keychop wars: a new hope

keychop wars keychopping wars keychopper wars: a new hope. fellow typospherians‚ there is new hope for the galaxy! to provide excellent typewriter Videos every tuesday‚ I often search for new ones on youtube. recently‚ I found one called "book Typewriter Earring Designs". I was immediately shocked: a keychopper? I watched the Video, visited the linked etsy store and found relief: The seller states the keytops are wooäßn replioasl so I'd say that's a great thing‚ sort of the "organic equivalent" to bloody, keychopped jewelry. and the earrings even inolude typewriters in their full beauty! Olivetti MP1

Dienstag, 7. Februar 2012

Video: Canon Typing Machine

Is this available for manual typewriters, too?

Montag, 6. Februar 2012

care for your typewriter.

care for your typewriter. my Underwood Finger-Elite turned out to be a debacle‚ as you might have read, the carriage return lever is severely broKen‚ the carriage has erratic errors and I also discovereä that the tab set arm is broken (a tiny tip has broken off)‚ but at least I got a manual with it - ior l CHF I don't want to complain. And this Handbuch, as we call it in german‚ includes a good advice: "clean your typewriter's typeslugs every evening" That makes sense. If we use a brush every evening to clean away the leftover inx and dirt, we possibly don't neeä to get out the toothpicks that often. And one thing is great about the defective Underwood‚ its typeslugs are perfectly clean. maschinengeschrieben blogspot Olympia SM—5 com

Samstag, 4. Februar 2012


blackout on a thursday in late january‚ a high voltage cable in a substation in Zurich suddenly broke doun. smoke filled the substation‚ and an emergency shutdoun started. as a result‚ 10'000 households uere uithout pouer for almost 3 hours, restaurants and shops‚ the trams and elevators had no electricity. nou imagine you uere writing the text, novel‚ Stroke 0? genius of your life uhen the pouer uent 0ut‚ a computer's screen uould just go black, your uork yould be gone if it wasn't saved. a typeuriter could continue uriting uihtout any problems. That was a Triumph tippa Schreibmaschinen blog Schreibmaschinenblog schreib maschienen blog schreibmaschineblog schreibmaschine blog schreibmaschiene blog schreibmaschienenblog schreibmaschienen blog

Freitag, 3. Februar 2012

I couldn't really appreciate this...

I couldn't really appreciateithis... On the seeond day of ITAM, my colleagues must have sensed a distarbance in the force. Or it was just co- inoidence. However, when I arriveä after noon‚ after a unsuccessful typehunt, they enthusiasically greeted me and told me they had a present for me. I quickly sensed it would be typewriter-related, and then I spotted the huäe plastic bag; trq had there, sitting on the floor. Insiüe was a behemoth — a red IBM electric. We hauled it onto a desK‚ plugged in the power cord, I triggered the power switch — and the famous idle hum resounded. Sadly‚ that was the only noise the type— writer emitted, when I pressed the kegs, they resisted. Great depression. Everyone tried some levers and switch— es, bat the sleeping giant couldn't be awakened. With a closer look at the typeheed, I also realiesed that the type Container — I don't know if it's either a ballhead or a daisy wheel — and a ribben were missing. Only the correction ribbon was stiil there. The colleaöues told me they had found it on the road, with a siän saying "to take-away" and helplessly cowered under february snow. I thouöht about takinä the leviathan home‚ but since I don't KHOW anything about IBMS, the type element and the ribbon were missing, it didn't have a case, it was pretty filthy (a colleaäue who ran the finger over the red shell had black finäers efterwards) and I'm not a particular fan of electric typewriters‚ I Qecided to leave it et worx. I don't know what will happen next, maybe the cleanind staff alreedy removeu it? Did I sacrifice a poor typewrier? Or die this serve it riäht‚ the stupid IBM? I don't know. What Q0 you think? Hermes 2000 maschinengeschrieuen.bloöspot.eo

Donnerstag, 2. Februar 2012

time travelling

see all posts with label TCRV.
Sorry for the  ~12 hours late post. I accidentally scheduled it for tomorrow.
Typo: re-visite
time travelling more than 200 posts ago‚ maschinengeschrieben was published for the first time - in german. a number of interesting entries from the first weeks were only available in german‚ and in a quality which made OCR impossible. until today: we recently searched for those early entries in our stack of uypecasts - and found them. for the first time‚ all "The Collectbn" entries are now available in english, most of them with corrected translation. you may find them using‘me label "TCRV"‚ this stands for "The Collection re—visite visited". have fun browsing old entriesl Olivetti M21

Mittwoch, 1. Februar 2012

change your password day

Change your password at your own peril! I'm not responsible for anything that happens as a result of anyone's password choice.
Please also read Wikipedia: Diceware and xkcd 936.
change your password day imagine, a Website on which you own an aocount gets haoked‚ and your standard password‚ the one you use on pretty much every account you omn, gets oompromised that could quickly lead to terrible results. S0 Wday iS Chanse pur passmxijsga. since ‘Chat SÜOry might happen every few months‚ weeks or days. and I'm sure there's not much better than starting ITAM with new‚ seoure passwords. (A Hermes 5000, maybe?Ü Now whafis a safe password? TrOub4dor&5 or "oorrect horse battery staple light"? the first onel one might answer, since it contains everything a "good password should oonsist of"; oapitals‚ numbers‚ punctuations and so on. but it actually isn't. at a rate of 1000 guesses per second, a brute-force attack on your fancy and incredibly difficuß to remember password might suocess after Only 5 days. especially since common substitutions like 4 for A or zero for 0 aren't safe‚ far from that: attakers often try them before doing so in plain textl so why should the dull, but easy to remember password oonsisting of 5 usual words be more safe? because it's much longer. every vord adds 12,9 bit of entropy to the password, five words are already a good 64-bit password‚ while_the 1557-one is only 28 bits of entropy. and for oracking a diceware-password, a attakder with the same 1000 guesses per second would need centuries. why have we trained ourselves to use passwords that are easy to crack, but incredibly difiicult to remember? I don't know. but today is the day to ohange this. you may even inolude typewriter in your new password. read more with the links below. happy passvord changing‚ happy ITAMI maschinengesohrieben.blogspot.oom Optima Elite